Roush Saleen rear bumper (non center) exhaust question.


New Member
Oct 17, 2002
I'v been concidering lately buying a replica Saleen rear bumper, trying to find one without "Saleen" embossed in the back so people dont get the wrong idea (which is hard as hell to find). I love the stock bumper on my 03 Cobra, but what drives me nuts is how the black plastic peice always looks warped. I'v tried everything to mold it back into place and have failed miserably so far. Well I'm thinking now, if I go as far as replacing the stock bumper, I might as well go with something alittle more schnazzy. Here fairly soon I will have my Borla Stinger Cat Back system installed and with that system comes 4 inch polished stainless steel tips.

My QUESTION is will a Saleen rear bumper support a 4inch exhaust tip? The reason I am asking is, I have noticed the openings in the Saleen bumper look fairly cramped, but there is always the possibility its an optical illusion, which is why I'm here asking.

Any help would be appritiated. I figure the Saleen boys would be the best place to start asking. Also please dont get the wrong idea. I'm not trying to play my car off as something its not, I just wanted a nicer bumper and the Saleen style is hard to beat.
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I don't believe a factory OEM Saleen rear bumper cover will support a 4 inch tip down in the opening. I may be wrong but of course, you are looking for a non-Saleen part so you may find something that may work for you. Try looking through Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords and 5.0 mag. There are plenty of ads for aftermarket ground effects, bumpers and such. 4 inch. tips?Those things must sound like bazookas!

good luck
Dr.Bleed said:
[...] I just wanted a nicer bumper and the Saleen style is hard to beat.

You are right! But the best looking one is the Chicane saleen with center exhaust! You see it you fall for it :hail2: :hail2: . The pipes are hudge and look real good!
I can't wait for someone hit me in the rear so I get a reason to make a swapp :D
Sorry about the delay in response guys. Thanks for all the help so far.

Marcus there is a pic of the Borla tips :D


Still no luck on finding myself a bumper without Saleen embossed on it. What I might do is ask the guy that did the Shaker Hood (did a superb job) on my Dakota R/T if he might be able to whip a Saleen styled rear bumper up for me that doesnt say Saleen and supports a tip as large as I will have.


    66.6 KB · Views: 189
I have an 03 cobra with the stingers. I also have both style bumpers from Saleen. I'm going with the chicane exhaust and center exit bumper... but what I can do is see if the opening on the standard S281 bumper will fit the stinger tailpipe for you. I believe the chicane center exhaust has 4" tips I can match up to the bumper for a test fit.

I'll let you know. And it should be nothing to it to have a body guy fill in the Saleen lettering. Are you going with urethane or fibreglass?
There is no problem with the saleen bumper and the stinger tips horizontally. Also, you can move the tips lower if it touches the top of the exhaust opening so there should be no fitment issue.


PS anyone want to buy a spare Saleen S281 bumper? Hehe