Vid of my strobes

I know ther was a few people on here that wanted to see my strobe set up on my car. I got a better vid of them last night. This is the normal setting i kepp them on (quad flash) but I have a dial that i can change flash patterns. I tried getting the mega flash but on vid it looks the same as this so i didn't bother posting it but in person its crazy

Hope that works
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95Vert said:
I bet you scare people at night too you sick bastard. lol

Just reminded me .....

I'm on the road constantly. Compliments of the job. There are so many times that I wish I had strobes. That way I can scare the $*** out of them & they'll get out of the way. I can't stand people who do 20 mph UNDER the speed limit. Sometime I just want to ram them off of the road & keep going .... but if only I had some strobes! I'd surely get in trouble, though.
yeah thats not allowed lol. I have never and will never turn on my lights just to get people to move for the hell of it. I don't need fines and **** for doing dumb **** like that. I have however fliped them on and off on my truck to say hi to a fellow fire fighter but thats it. Like I told Paul on AIM I live across the street form the fire house so I never get to use any of my lights anyway:(
MysteryMachine said:
yeah thats not allowed lol. I have never and will never turn on my lights just to get people to move for the hell of it. I don't need fines and **** for doing dumb **** like that. I have however fliped them on and off on my truck to say hi to a fellow fire fighter but thats it. Like I told Paul on AIM I live across the street form the fire house so I never get to use any of my lights anyway:(
u should move so u can use them
bjl95mustang said:
txdot wont let us use them unless you have a light rack. Some stupid texas rule for vol fire fighters.

Does the rule state that it has to be on the car? If not, keep the rack in the trunk and mounts the lights where you want :rlaugh:

Jinx - Nice ride :nice: