Which injectors?


Founding Member
Mar 4, 2002
Ontario, Canada
I'm in the process of putting my engine back together and noticed one of my injectors cracked on the end where it plugs into the lower intake.

I found a good deal on 30# but wonder if they are too big for my application.

Going to be running a Cobra intake, GT40P heads and stock cam.

I was going to run the stock injectors but found the crack so I might as well replace them. Any ideas?
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if you broke the plastic nipple on the end you can buy new ones from most auto parts stores. they are like $3 per kit and it comes with the two plastic peices and the o' ring for one injector.
mootang said:
if you broke the plastic nipple on the end you can buy new ones from most auto parts stores. they are like $3 per kit and it comes with the two plastic peices and the o' ring for one injector.

There it is. Plus if you change injectors you will need matching MAF sensor. $3 kit sounding better.
mootang said:
if you broke the plastic nipple on the end you can buy new ones from most auto parts stores. they are like $3 per kit and it comes with the two plastic peices and the o' ring for one injector.

I really didn't want to change my injectors/MAF at this point and this is good news. Thanks for the tip.