wiring headaches


I wish I didn't have all of these balls in the air
15 Year Member
Dec 6, 2005
Marietta, Ga
i have a question for eveyone. i am trying to put the car back together and have run into a snag with the wiring. i bought a couple diferent harnesses to find out that they all have some kind of quirk to them that they won't work in my car. my original wiring was pretty hacked, and the connector to the blower motor was fried was the reason i tried going to a different harness. since they didnt work, i am back to my original harnesses once again. I seem to have about everything that i should have, like my lights work, and i have power to a few other places that i have checked so far, but i have no power to the starter wire to kick the solenoid. the question i have is this, is there a way to check the starter switch while still in the steering column, or is there a fusable link somewhere that i may have missed? i am kind of at a loss with this, and i am no electrician to say the least. any help would be appreciated. if there is anyone that is close, they are more than welcome to come give me a hand with this also. sometimes a fresh set of eyes catch more than someone who stares at it all day. again thanks a ton.

found it tonight......
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i was missing a connection. like i said, a fresh set of eyes helped. i left it alone a couple days and went back to tracing the wires and found it right away. i was missing the set that connects the reverse lights to the harness, and that in turn connects the ignition switch to the solenoid. it is a 4 pin connector, and the starter wire is looped through it.