Cheap speed


New Member
Aug 11, 2006
Just got some new exhaust cold air intake soon which is that 5-12 hp... what do you guys think are hp increases that are low priced..i have heard new performance pulleys but what do you guys think?
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a CAI will give 3-5, exhaust 8-10 (if only do duals, LT's add 15-20), UD pulley 8-10, intake spacer 7-10. stay away from a larger throttle body, throttle body spacer, and a larger maf. they will do nothing until you have engine work (h/c/i) or FI. Xcal2 will do wonders if you have an auto. so will gears/t-lok, but thats not exactly cheap.
Adverse2Change said:
Cold air intake.

Cheap HP?? Drive down a hill. :p

Or, better yet, if you're sick of life and just can't take it anymore, drive off a cliff! Even more free HP.. but it's pretty much one time only. :( If you're going to do that, though, do it in a rice burner. The cliff-power move works much better in hondas with fartcan mufflers.. something about the aerodynamics..:D
RED98 said:
Or, better yet, if you're sick of life and just can't take it anymore, drive off a cliff! Even more free HP.. but it's pretty much one time only. :( If you're going to do that, though, do it in a rice burner. The cliff-power move works much better in hondas with fartcan mufflers.. something about the aerodynamics..:D

I knew there was a reason they stuck wings on their cars! :dead:
Pulley $180, intake MANIFOLD spacer $100 in supplies to make one as no one sells them (TB spacer is one large paperweight), exhaust $300-400, XCal-2 $380, gears+traction-lok $500+install. That's about the basic stuff. some of the cheapest prices you will find.

And actually, if you run off a cliff, the terminal velocity of a 3500 pound vehicle with a drag coefficient of .36 and a frontal area of about 25 feet is quite high, the acceleration is 9.8m/s due to gravity, so you would be creating more power than anyone has even seen in a car, AND it will be perfectly backed by the laws of mathematical physics. Load up a ricer with 2000 lbs of stuff and roll them off, then they win, or fly, not sure which they try to do.
going to school full time and working full time, I get VERY little free time. Fuel pump was going bad so I stuck a new aftermarket pump in there this morning, works like a charm. The aftermarket high-performance pump was over $100 cheaper, and runs perfect. As far as parts go, I have found VMP cheaper at times, RPM may ship quicker (they are on the other side of town from me lol) but I like cheapness cause well, school sucked my wallet dry.
be careful with rpm, they've been screwing alot of people over recently. also, theres a guy whos sellin templates for the intake spacers at 3.8, the basic shape is already cut out, you just have to do the holes. 50 bucks shipped
Honestly... have you guys ever seen an actual dyno sheet of the hp gains w/ basic intake and exhaust? Just curious... because personally I am a skeptic... I imagine really togethere gaining more than 5 hp but I imagine actually losing torque (in a sixer anyway- because I have actually personally felt insane gains on other cars)... idk though
Probably if we can get any gains.. we will have to pay to play... not just cheap ****