anyone ever been skydiving!!!!

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Are you going tandem or static line? and is this something you plan on doing as a hobby, or onetime thing?
FYI tandem is when you are strapped to an experienced skydiver, and they do everything. Static line is like you see on old WWII movies.
Good luck, have fun...and clear out the bladder before you leave terra firma
I did tandem jump about year ago and it was like nothing I have ever done before. I loved it , will do it again

It cost me more cause I had guy takeing picture and video of my jump. I wish I could post my video
yea going tandem! not sure how it is everywhere else but you have to go tandem 3 times before you can go alone. its from 16,000 ft. and i think its pretty cheap its only 180 +40 more dollars if you want it recorded. should be hella run we will be jumping over Zions National Park, so it will be hella pretty
the guy was cool was hell i was talking too! was telling me all about it! im going with 3 friends, the dude said you will be free falling for 45 secs lol AWESOME!!!!!!!!
stangGT97 said:
the closest ive come to sky diving is falling out of my bunk bed :notnice: have fun :)


I fell out of a tree once. I was in freefall for what seemed like a while, probaly about half a second. My chute didnt open and I hit the ground kind of hard...:D

Seriously though, I would love to go. The thrill seems incredible.