Can’t change my avatar?


Active Member
Sep 14, 2019
Hey Stangnet team,

I’m having trouble changing my avatar. I tap “photo library,” tap the photo I want, and then it shows up for a few seconds before disappearing and reverting back to my old picture. I’m on iOS Safari, so maybe that has something to do with it? It’s 89x89 pixels so I don’t think size is the issue.

Anyway, thanks for doing what you’re doing. Just wanted to bring that to your attention.

Tried that, I get the same result.

That’s the thing, I’m not getting an error message. My new picture appears next to the “choose file” button for a few seconds, then my avatar flashes the new image for a blink and reverts back to the old image.

At the same time this happens, the “choose file” section goes empty, like I haven’t selected a picture yet.

I’ll try on my laptop later today and report my findings. Maybe it’s a problem with the image itself.
If that doesn't work, post up the image you want to use here and I'll try it on my end.

Whether or not [that] works, I'll give Mike a head's up. It's probably a database permissions issue. Your account settings all appear to be correct.
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Well... It's doing the same thing to me which means it outside of Forum's control and inside of the back-end :O_o:

I've elevated the issue to the dude in the image above. I should have some news in a day or so.
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