how come?????????


New Member
Feb 2, 2004
Plattsburgh, NY
why hasnt anyone thought of becoming the guy that goes and gets money or property back form someone who has screwed them online?
this sounds like a great business opportunity !
i dont know anyone that has gotten screwed out of a 1000 bucks who wouldnt give half of it to someone who would get it back from the dead beat that stole it.
just a thought that came to my mind the other day when someon told me they got took for 800

or is someone already doing this?
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Ummm the law and such will do it if its really stolen. But, bounty hunters(i think thats their name) KNOW that person is guilty. But with internet purchases, i cant see someone chasing down someone for a he say/she say arguement. If you can't get them legally, then someone in a business couldnt get them unless they get them illegally. Lol that got kinda confusing to while typing.

Anyway, its a good idea but the likely hood of it working out is low i would think. Any other thoughts?
your prolly right
but how about some lawyer "gotta be on in here or someones gotta know one" that would take on heese cases
somtimes im sure all it would take is a call from a lawyer or someone
i mean were talking serious money here
lots of people get bent over all the time
Well thats true. Lawyers have a LOT of pull..

I have the protection. Thats what i started the thread about people getting scammed a lil while ago but i didn't want to post it to seem like i was advertising or selling something. I didn't want to hear it from the mods....

But they have "law insurance" just like health insurance. Its nationwide. You get a ticket in Florida and go back home in Ohio and a lawyer in Florida will handle it. I haven't had to use it for scams, but if i had a problem, ONE phone call and i got a lawyer. I always use it for speeding, tint, any kinda of ticket. No points, but i do still pay the fee. This is all for $25 bucks i pay a month. I am a member and i wish i had it about 2 years ago when i REALLY needed it. Now i wont go without it. They have a full list of things that they contracts before you sign them( your new car contract, house, etc) and they write you a will once a year. Its a lot of stuff.....

All in all, this kind of insurance is growing really quick. Once you get in, you pay the same i got in while its cheap cause health insurance AINT CHEAP!