I'm going away for 6 weeks...yay


Dec 22, 2003
Pensacola, FL
As I'm sure many of you know by now, I'm in the Marine Corps Reserves, specifically with HMLA-773 (Which may as well mean I'm active duty at this point, considering 773's current status.) I'm currently working towards becoming a commissioned officer and a pilot for the active duty side.

The program I'm in calls for 2 six week sessions at OCS between spring and fall semesters at college. After alot of running, alot of paperwork, taking an aptitude test, and a flight physical, I was accepted into the program (PLC) and will finally be leaving for 6 weeks on July 11th, which is now less than 2 weeks away. So, yeah, I'll be gone for six weeks...YAY! :D
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65shlbycln said:
Best wishes Derek!
Thanks Chris! I'll see you when I get back to school, end of August!

NorCal66 said:
Nice! I'm goin into Corp of Cadets NROTC over at VTech next year. Sure it's no OCS, but the running is still gonna kick my ass. Best of luck!
Trust me, after over a year in the Corps, and the past few months prepping for OCS, running is 2 things: the worst part of my job and something you just have to get used to!

If you're like me and a very poor runner, then these are the tips I'll give you:
1) Gatorade and water are your friends
2) style is the single most important thing, don't be like me and run flat footed, your shins will thank you
3) Find your wall and break through it. Once you make yourself puke, then you've probably broken through.
4) practice run the same course...that way it will play with you psychologically. Then, when you run a new course for score, you'll just be running, you won't be going "Okay, well I've got this far left..." It does make a difference!
5) never, ever, ever give up on yourself, and don't give anyone else an excuse. The harder the run, the more you push.
6) MAKE IT HURT! If you don't fee like dying after PT, you didn't try hard enough.
7) If it isn't sprained or broken, you can still run.
8) always time yourself
9) look for the positives in what you did...focus on them, and then analyze the negatives and how to improve
10) You really can run cramps out - eventually they just top hurting.
11) Think about something else when you run...sing to yourself, call cadence, recite poetry, quot ethe Bible...ANYTHING, just think about something else.
12) set realistic goals, and don't leave until you've met them or exceeded them.
13) I said it before but it can not be emphasized enough: Do not quit. In anything you do in NROTC, do not quit. That is a primary leadership quality and they are looking for qhether or not you tried, gave 100% and followed through, more than they are results, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
14) pain really is weakness leaving the body.