Is granatelli motorsports any good?

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urban96 said:
ya he got a set of UCA's that were only half welded :eek: maybe hell chime in and post pics

I dunno about the 4.6s but I have seen numerous people have their lca's and uca's just snap on them while they were a search in 5.0 talk for more info :nice:
Lyncher said:
I dunno about the 4.6s but I have seen numerous people have their lca's and uca's just snap on them while they were a search in 5.0 talk for more info :nice:

Granatelli, where quality is job #2! Job #1 is gettin paid, bitches!

Oh yeah Lyncher, what the hell is your avatar supposed to be?! it makes me laugh every time, I gotta see the original video haha
did a back search on toms posts... his last 2 were kinda ominous... doesnt bleed ford blue anymore (sold the cobra?) and is playing with quattro (audi's AWD system?) so heis either busy or jumped ship and we wont see him anymore.
