leather conditioner


New Member
Feb 18, 2004
Laredo, TX
i recently got the meguiars gold class leather conditioner and i used it. however, i see no true results. also yesterday a friend of mine said that these conditioners mess up ur seats rather than "condition" them so i was like :shrug: cuz this guy knows his stuff. is this true cuz im overprotecive with my car. like i said, the conditioner really had no effect. at the most it just cleaned the seats a bit.
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I use zymol leather care products. There is a bottle of cleaner, and a second bottle of conditioner. Used it for years, and have not found anything I like better. It really restores the softness of the leather, but doesn't leave it oily feeling like other products I've used.
Ford leather is sort of cheezy. It is spray dyed (kind of like spray painted) and given a topcoat of clear vinyl. So...you should not be treating it like leather as the top layer is going to be vinyl. Use Vinlex (made by lexol) or mabey 303 if you can find it.