

New Member
Jun 20, 2004
Whats the difference between the regular magnaflow exhaust and magnapacks? Arent the packs only available for 4.6 liter stangs? I thought the regular were chambered and the packs were straight through but i'm not sure. Would the one available for 94-95 work better with a h-pipe or x-pipe?
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magna packs look like glass packs actually.. Magnapacks were only for the 96-98 but magnaflow started welding on the extra hanger so that they would fit ours too... I run magnapacks now and i Freakin love them!!! Sound so mean and aggressive... I have had like at least one complement a day sence i have put them on like 2 weeks ago...

To be honest i think they sound like a REALLY healthy LS1/LS6 corvette...

Also right now at a little over half throttle i get a cackle... But up too that point it is so clean sounding... And im thinking after i get the car tuned and the time adjusted that it will go away for the most part. (I think its firing too late through the exhaust valve a little)

BTW the cackle is sorta cool in away... It is so freakin load that it will wake the neighbors a block down... :rlaugh:
I bought MagnaFlows for the bling and the quality and hated the way they sounded even with an O/R pipe. They were way too quiet and low toned for my preference. I should have got the MaganaPaks. :mad: I was so disgusted that I went to my friends shop and told him to give me anything he had in stock and the MAC 3 inch tips caught my eye and I have not been disappointed in the decision yet with this cat-back.

The Paks were made for the mod motors to give them a more beefier sound like a real V8 so they are louder than the ones they offer for the 5.0 motor. You can get them and make them fit though and they sound MEAN as hell.
So if I order packs for the 96-98 would they fit right in b/c of the extra hanger or would I have to do some modifying? If I get the packs i'll run a o/r x-pipe. I've heard that the magnaflow x-pipe isn't very good and that the bassani only sounds good with a bassani catback to match. If this is true, what is recommended to go with the packs? I of course want power but sound does matter as i've heard some HORRIBLE sounding stangs and fbodys.
yes they will fit if you order the 96-98 without modification... Actually im still running an offroad h-pipe and it still sounds damn good... I have had people that haven't heard my car before tell me that it would sound better with an x-pipe though.

Check out my website and you can get an idea of what it sounds like... Even though too me the video comes up with a slightly different tone...
I'm not to sure about the modding but I have seen them on other 94/95's before and they sound mean as hell. I have an O/R H and a Bassani X and I like the H better b/c I feel it is louder and more obnoxious but I don't drive my car everyday and late at night.
i got a question, so with the people who have this exhaust or experince with them i was thinking about getting them. Im hear in california tho and im just wondering how loud are the cops going to be trailing, is it annoying or loud on freeway? or loud with windows down, most importantly id like to be able to hear my passenger good still. but since their not chambered they dont really drone do they?

im specifically talking about the magnapacks, at the moment i seemed bit discouraged from the regular ones.
on my 95 cobra i run a mac off road h pipe with magnapacks. and it's loud. but i did have to bent the passenger side pipe a little down to get to hang the same way as the driver side does. the only thing i hate is when i hit 3 grand, when in gear. i get this clanking sound for a couple of seconds and then it goes away. but it's onlt from 3 grand to about 3400 or 3600 rpms. it's annoying to the point that i'm thinking of going to spin tech dumps :D i don't care how loud, i just don't want that damm clanking sound.
donkey_punch said:
on my 95 cobra i run a mac off road h pipe with magnapacks. and it's loud. but i did have to bent the passenger side pipe a little down to get to hang the same way as the driver side does. the only thing i hate is when i hit 3 grand, when in gear. i get this clanking sound for a couple of seconds and then it goes away. but it's onlt from 3 grand to about 3400 or 3600 rpms. it's annoying to the point that i'm thinking of going to spin tech dumps :D i don't care how loud, i just don't want that damm clanking sound.

heh still those of you who have it does it drone on the freeway? im just considering this or maybe ill shell out more cash for a borla system. Dont want anything that will get me pulled over even tho it is loud......