need a quick easy mod to help 1/4 time


New Member
Sep 11, 2004
its a 96gt, i got full exhaust and intake and thats about it. i was goin to get lca and uppers but that is goin to be to much of a hassle doin over tommorow night, plus the exhaust with have to come undone. and i got some good tires on there too.

any help i would apprecate it
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the only easy and cheap mod for your car would be to do the control arms. and if you really want to gain a tenth or two loosen your front sway bar at the track. the only issue with lca's would be compressing the coil spring to install it. the exhaust is not an issue.
those will help. it shouldnt take long for you to put them in. no more then 4 hours. remember to bolt the uppers in first tho. i did it ass backwards my first time, and on went the lowers. your best bet would be to get a punch, or long screwdriver to try to line your bolt holes up. use a jack to help with that too. you'll figure it out.
good luck.
ps. you might need a hammer to get the uppers to line up.
kj99 said:
What kind of tires are you running?

Sticky ones help :D
That should also be ahead of control arms. Many forget that without a good set of drag radials under the fenders, control arms do jack to decrease your quarter mile times (worsens them actually). Sure, they may make you more consistent, but without a set of sticky tires to take advantage of the additional power transferred through the arms, most likely they'll just make you consistently slow.