Parking brake tenssion


New Member
Nov 4, 2008
Hi all,

I am wondering how to tighten a parking brake on a 95'. Is there a special tool, or? I looked in the Haynes manual and all it showed me was where it was (I knew that so no help there). I'm not in a big hurry just kinda one of those annoyances.

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You had done your rear brakes recently...correct? Trying to remember.On my mobile at the moment.Asking because if there are new pads then your parking brake shouldn't be all that loose.If it is real easy to pull up,then the cables are worn.Meaning they are stretched.This happens much more often on cars where people muscle the E-brake up super high.This is how they get worn out so easily.On a non-worn out unit,the e-brake handle only needs to be pulled up about a quarter of the way.No more,unless the pads are excessively worn down..As for adjustment,the E-brake is self adjusting.The tension is adjusted inside the parking brake assembly.It's spring loaded so dont remove it unless you put a screw or something through a hole at the top to prevent it from unloading.There is also a cable equalizer underneath that divides the tension between the two sides.This can be removed but I dont think is adjustable.

Your only bet for reclaiming the super tight tension would be replacing the brake cables.And that's just a royal PAIN IN THE ASS!
Well *****,

Yeah the rear brake pads are new no more than 3 months. As for the tension I don't yank it up or anything. Its really hard to pull up all the way. I believe it only goes up a quarter of the way. Usually when I park in the driveway (steep) I put it in neutral, e-brake then put it in park. Some people say it doesn't make a difference but no harm in preventive maintenance. Lately I've been parking in the street (my brother takes the spot).