Raptor Shift light install with pics/video

BaconBits said:
Make sure you set it for "1" cylinder and not "8". I didn't read the instructions close enough the first time and set it for "8" and it just flashed all the time. Set the 1, 2, and 3 switches down.

Yep, im waiting on the brown man right NOW, its 4:10pm here and he is usually in our area at THIS time of the day. As soon as hes in the driveway, I'll be installing mine. I have already got my vents out and the coat-hanger pulled thru, so it should take no time to wire it up and try it out. :nice:
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goshia said:
OMG why does anyone need a light to tell them to shift, what a waste on money.....:notnice:

what a retarded comment.
Its bad enough that I'm trying to watch the boost gauge, the fuel and oil pressure gauge ANNNDD keep my car pointed straight down the track, which can be a handful at times......having the light means not having to look down at the tach.

For what its worth, i think its a great mod to have. To ensure you can drive and shift wihout even taking your eyes off the road (which is great for either the track, and even more importantly for you street racers).

I think its a GREAT mod for the money. I think its a great little safety feature for both the engine and the driver...plus it just looks so damn cool :)

And honestly $85 is worth the piece of mind to know you wont hit the rev limiter or have to take your eyes off the road. And even another GREAT idea to use it for is to set it up to shift at the perfect times.
goshia said:
OMG why does anyone need a light to tell them to shift, what a waste on money.....:notnice:

And I thought I knew very little about racing . . . please tell me this guy is joking.

Moving on . . . I mounted mine with two screws on the driver's side a pillar trim piece. I keep the cover on unless I'm at the track, but the blue LED is so bright you actually see it through the cover when I start the car! Second favorite part about this inexpensive yet very useful drag racing tool is when people get in my car and ask me, "What is THAT???" And then they see my line lock switch . . .:lol: