Way Off Topic: Volks Rods


Jul 31, 1998
Birmingham, AL
I came across the VolksRods website this evening and was amazed...I thought that I had seen everything that could be done to the Old Beetle...I was wrong!


You know you've found a good car site when the "Car of the Month" is called the "Crazy Ba$tard of the Month". Check that link out and the "Members and Rides" section.

Most of the really ingenius ones seem to be influenced by the current "Rat Rod" movement where old leftover '30's parts are assembled into rough-looking street rods. And like the Rat Rods, most of these don't look safe to drive on a public road!

Some have flipped and extended the front suspension out in front of the body, some are using beam axles from the '30's, and some of the cars are so heavily chopped that its got to be hard to see out of them.
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