Any easy way to tell if my car is cammed?

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ok guys i was wondering the same question, i was told there was a 280 solid lift comps cam in my 351, but when i took my trans into my shop my dad was talking to the guy that built my motor when they owned the car, he said they had to take th cam out for street driving because they had to ajust the lifters and such to much,

in the vid my cars stilll a little cold, its running right from the headers and theres no header gasket on one side, thats all fixed now tho that was just to make sure the motor started
It could be a very mild cam for the original post.

TFS1 cam sucks. I had it in my 306 in the vert, it wasnt lopey. The tfs1 is inbetween the E and F cam.
B is more lopey.

I have the TFS2 in my 347 Now its a lopey MOFO!
RsStanG1987 said:
I diddnt think the E-cam was lopey at all i heard that in cars before and it almost sounds like a stock cam..

the e cam is disappointingly non-lopey. problem is that it's a serious pain in the butt to change. the main reason i went with it was because of emissions though. i've heard people having problems passing emissions with the B, F and of course X.
DemonGT said:
i have the TFS#1 in my 89GT with a 306 and you can definitly tell its not a stock cam...not sure what the deal was with yours 5.0droptop

I had hopes of it being really lopey, more so than the b cam. It didnt sound stock at all, it just didnt sound like I expected it would.
lopey refers to the lack of smoothness in the idle which many of us find so very rewarding...ever hear an old '69 chevelle at the track and it sounds like it's going to stall out and then runs a low 10 in the 1/4? it has that big lopey cam. lopey doesn't necessarily make your car any faster but it's indicative of having a high lift cam.