

New Member
Jun 25, 2004
Wylie, Texas
Anyone know how to get the CDs out of a Mach 460 after it says, "CD Error"? I was listening to the cd player on the way to work and when I got in the lot I tried to eject one of the CDs and got the error message. Now I cant even listen to the CD, change to another CD, or eject the current one.
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IF this is an emergency...

I haven't had that happen so the first thing I would do is either pull the fuse then put it back or disco the + battery cable for a few seconds then re-attach it. Doing either should blank out the radio(clocks and presets also) But you may want to wait until someone else posts that maybe has had this same problem....it might take something really easy to get it to spit your CD out.
Mine did that a few months ago. It seemed that the CD was getting hung up when trying to eject. I could see the edge of the stuck CD so I just used a key/small flat screwdriver/another CD to lift up on the edge of the stuck CD to free it.

So what you guys are really saying is he needs to replace the head-unit with a nice aftermarket one!

My problem-solving perspective = Have a lose screw...replace half the car. :D
it seems to happen with copied cd's alot with labels on them, i ussually use my plastic parking tag since its conveniantly hanging on the mirror but anything thin will work and it will come right out
I had it happen with a Pink Floyd CD. It seems to be just a bit thicker than most CDs. I used a calling card/credit card to get it out. Slide it between the top of the CD and the mechanism that it is stuck in and with a little downward pressure, it should slide out. Then rememeber what CD it is and don't use it in the stang again... ;)

Good Luck.
will go take a look at it in a minute and see if i can see it. It was too dark last night and this morning to see anything.

Heh once i save up some i probably will try and find a new head unit but since i just bought the catback im kinda low on funds. =)
Greensix said:
will go take a look at it in a minute and see if i can see it. It was too dark last night and this morning to see anything.

Heh once i save up some i probably will try and find a new head unit but since i just bought the catback im kinda low on funds. =)

I only had it happen once. IMO the problem is with the CD, not the head unit...
poked at it with a my work ID and it came out. I went ahead and tried to eject the other 5 adn 3 of em hung up. They do seem to be the ones with the slighty thicker labels even though they are originals not copies.
Yeah, it's a common problem with a CD with a label on it. Power clycling the accessory switch usually gives you another shot at ejecting the CD. I usually just slide another CD on top and drag the stuck one out. Big nuisance first time, but once I got the trick, it's no problem.
apk1971 said:
I only had it happen once. IMO the problem is with the CD, not the head unit...

IMO, if you have to be careful of the thickness of your CDs or if your CDs have labels on them before you stick them in your player~ the problem is with the player.

I've had the cd error message, i banged, i turned off the car, when i came back in the morning it had puked it out by itself. :shrug: