First Mustang

Ben Olsen

New Member
Aug 26, 2012
Chicago, IL
I am 16 years old and looking into buying a Mustang and my budget is pretty much $5,000 and under. From what i've heard and read a fox 5.o seems to be the best choice. Im looking for a daily driver for school but something i can also work on and build up that isnt going to cost a lot. My top choice now is probably a 88-89 5.o but i was wondering if anyone has any other suggestions. Also, what are some good sites to look for used mustangs for sale? To find stuff thats cheap and local it seems like craigslist is a good site but are there any others?
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Not sure this is entirely tech, but Craigslist is probably your best bet. I think 89 started the Mass Air cars (CA in 88) so that may be something to consider while you're shopping. Welcome to SN :)