Got my louvers!

I received my louvers in the mail a couple days ago and they are in pristine condition!! even the original ford bright blue metallic color that came on my car!! but they are like every other mustang II part, worn a little, so i wet-sanded the $%*$ out of them and primed them and will paint them tonight then I will install them tomorrow!! I cant wait, I already tried them on and they make my car look awesome!! oh yea btw they are the side louvers for my wing windows... :nice:
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alright alright, i know this thread is useless withought pics! I have taken some before and after pics (polaroid only) sry i have yet to develop my roll... and also i have traded my stock mustang grille for the black cobra grille that came originally on the car. I will get some pics up later on today, I promise! :D
Here are the pics of my cobra! (not the best quality)

