Have you ever gotten to a point where Stangnet bores you?


Founding Member
Nov 13, 1998
Edmond, Oklahoma
I don't know what it is, maybe the passion is gone, I still want to work on my 'stang, but I'm not really getting anything out of coming here anymore. Posts don't interest me too much anymore, seems like the same old same old or something ricey being done to these old gals. I liked the SN65 project though. Maybe its because I haven't actually worked on the car in so long. I've been collecting parts and pieces for my '63 Fairlane when I can, just picked up a Dove Tunnel Wedge for High Riser FE heads for a steal, but I haven't worked on that car either in over a year. 3 kids are where most of my attention and $$$ have been going, which is only right. I'll be working on my daughter's '90 Shadow over the winter, I'm going to graft a fox body tail light panel onto the car so I can use aftermarket fox taillights, the housings themselves are almost exactly the same size but the ends taper on the Dodge whereas they're square on the Fox. Paint and body mainly, but it's practice for the Fairlane and the Mustang.
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Well, I have contributed quite a bit, but most of what I have is now pretty well known, most things I come across that I know the answer to have typically already been answered. I usually only answer when I know the answer (with the exception of the unbraced MII front suspension controversy) and since I'm not working on anything at the moment, I have no questions. I noticed after I posted that it came right at post 4200. Sometimes it'll be several days before I check the forum whereas it used to be a daily, even hourly thing. I do plan on documenting my builds on both the Fairlane and Mustang and put them up on a website along with detailed descriptions of what I've done both right and wrong, what worked and what didn't and why I did what I did. But that is in the (hopefully near) future.
Nah, I won't leave, but until I get back into working on the car, I'll be pretty sparce around here. I'll check in and review some posts every week or so, just to keep you all in line as I'm probably the longest regular poster here (this is when Craig Gaines shows up to post and show me up) in the classics forum, in another month and a half it'll be 9 years.

Anyone that wants to email me still can, if there's one thing I have a ton of, it's opinion, LOL!! I still plan on making your wedding, so email me a invitation so I remember, and I can still haul your car if we need to do so.

Hopefully, by working on my daughter's Shadow, I'll be getting some more cool tools and be able to spend a little time on the Mustang and Fairlane in stopping some of the forces of nature until I can get back on it with more time.

I actually have a time consuming project over this winter that if all goes well, I'll get a patent on in a couple years that I'll either sell or start manufacturing. and if that goes how I'd like, man, I'll certainly have the money to put in my cars, as well as a shop (can write the shop off as a business expense, paint booth, 2 post lift, cnc lathe, cnc mill, cnc plasma table, etc.)
I got bored a while ago reading the same things over and over so I disappeared for about 2 years. I was Mr. Mom for two kids plus I had no job, so I really had no time for the Mustang. When I started working again and got wide-eyed about being able to actually buy stuff for the Mustang I came back here, just to see what new stuff people were coming up with.

So yeah I'm tired of the same old junk that gets posted every other day, and it's the same stuff that was posted every day when I left 3 years ago, but I come here anyway because there are a few people that are doing new, exciting things that we haven't seen a million times. I help when I feel like it and if I think the person deserves it, but if someone asks something that can be answered on page 2 then tough luck. I mean come on, how often do we need to talk about Flowmasters vs. Magnaflows, or what Bullitt rims fit? It's easier to click "search" and type in the words than to ask questions, so...?
Funny post considering I have not been on the forum in about 2 months. I feel the same way, but I think it because I bought an place recently with no room for my Mustang and I have been working on that instead of the 'Stang. I used to be here all the time checking out the posts but for right now I am focusing on the home rather than anything else.
I haven't had much funding for this car since the beginning. Everything has been beg or borrow.

Lately, just looking at this forum has created a lump in my throat. Still, I drive the car daily. More than once the info has pulled me out of a hole.

Then again, someday, I'll start making some money. Hopefully then, this forum will bring the newborn enthusiasm it once did.

Luckily, things are wonderful with my wife and daughter. I can't ask for much more, as cruel as life is.
I understand where you're coming from. I have a (nearly) 3-year-old son, w/ a second on the way (due in Feb.). So, my time is scarce. The summer was hopefully going to be my chance to rebuild my front susp. and get some quality wheel time w/ the Mustang. But . . . life happens. My wife and I ended up dubbing this summer the 'Summer of Change' at our house--new roof, new landscaping, new deck--all during record-setting temps and a drought. Needless to say, my poor Mustang sits idly in the garage and hasn't moved. Hopefully, when I finish the deck (last HUGE project of the year!), then I can get some decent wrench time.

It's definitely frustrating sometimes. In my sig, I used to list my 'current project' for the car, along w/ 'what I have' and 'what I need' to complete it. But, I got irritated every time I looked at it because my projects were never getting completed, so I deleted it. I even told my wife recently that I should just sell the Mustang if it's going to just sit. But, that was just frustration talking. I am blessed to have a wonderful wife and son to spend my precious spare time with. When I get upset, I just remind myself that I understood when I got the Mustang that it was definitely a LONG-TERM project. The fall and winter actually work out better for me to work on the car anyway.

Now that I haven't been able to work on the car for a few months, I'm getting that school-kid urge again. I walk past it in the garage, and the wheels start turning w/ a renewed energy, and I'm anxious for the day that I'm on a creeper again soon.

It's alright to take a break from a hobby or passion for a while. It recharges the batteries. I kicked myself in the arse for >15 years for selling my 69 Chevelle, before I finally had the opportunity and time to find my Mustang. I remind myself of that whenever I get down on the car 'situation,' too.

So, take some time, catch your breath, and the forums will always be here. Enjoy. Peace.
I reached that point a long time ago.

I used to post heavily here, probably about 4 years ago or so. I had a '68 Hardtop at the time, this was the car that got me through high school.

This post right here is the first I've done since then - I figured since I'm ridding myself of the troublesome little SVT Focus and am probably getting into our '67 Convertible that heretofore has been a show car, it'd be as good a time as any to dust off the cobwebs and get back into StangNet.
With you on being Bored with this site and the other dozen I visit dealing with Fords. I have seen the same question 100s of times and nothing new ever. I still visit daily but it only take a minute to cruise all the New Post. I have more fun now on the Import sites because it is something new and they have all the new-fun-fast toys. We purchased my wife a '04 Subaru Forester XT and stock it runs 13.7 103 mph without even pushing it hard. It has twice the technology of the New Mustang and has a better buy rating and can hold 5 passengers and 2 dogs in comfort. Just something new and already have a tuner for it and everything only cost $75 and does so much more than any tuner for any year of Mustang and cost $1000 less. The new import scene is new and fun and the magazine articles rock. Probably have my Stang forever but then might sell it for something I can enjoy everyday in Ohio. Just don;t enjoy spending money now for something I only drive May-Oct because of the weather.
I rarely post here anymore.I still work on my cars and I post on other Mustang/Ford sites but Stangnet seems to annoy me now.Our regional board used to be very active and I would check it virtually every day but our moderator seems to have doused the flame and everyone has gone elsewhere.
Yea, it seems like the classic forum has slowed down a little bit the past year or so. I still stop in almost everyday to read the post titles and offer help where I think I can be of assistance, but I rarely start any threads lately.

I frequent 3 other forums, one other Mustang & 2 other Muscle Car-esk forums & of the 4 this one is the slowest moving. With that being said I only read the Classic forums here & most of the technical info I get here is better than what I get elsewhere. I'm guessing due to more year/model specific experience here. The other Mustang site is mostly Fox Body, 5.0 & Late Model and the Muscle Car Forums are mostly Camaros, Novas & Chevelle’s……GM……Most of the Technical stuff I find here has already been covered so I haven’t had to ask too many questions so far.
Same here, I used to read through all the threads but lately I just read the titles. They seem to be about the same subject almost every time. Not complaining, just saying what I feel.

Now, if everybody had a nice avatar like CarFreakGT, I know I would be on here more often.
The past six months my new job has been all consuming and I only have time to peek at the forums at lunch, not give tech advice every few minutes like at my old shop where the two CNCs' would run 45 minutes a shot.

Other than a new stereo after years with nothing, I don't have time to do anymore than the basic upkeep that a daily driver needs. I'm loooking very forward to the week and a half off I have coming at Christmas.

Cheers everyone!