line lock/roll control

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I just did this install. while doing it I stripped out the PP Valve. the area is very tight between the fender wall and the vavle cover. take your time. on my second try I found it much easier to remove the PP valve from the car get the line lock attached to it then put the whole assembly back in. also get the front line from the bottom. it is pretty straight fwd install though.
Anyone with a diagram on a 99-04? or a webpage with pics?
I remember doign this mod a few years ago and it was not super tough, but you have to pay attention to close detail or you can mess your lines up.
Im thinking about getting one for my 04 as I suck at heel toeing the clutch to do a proper heated burnout. :(
heel toe the brake and the gas not the brake and the clutch. The install is basically remover the back line on the MC which is the top line on the PPv, install new lines and seliniod, connect electrical wires, bleed brakes. test/have fun