Mechanic Woes


there is enough sticking out to grab on to
15 Year Member
Jun 28, 2013
Don't you hate it when you loose a razor blade? I mean, if loose a screwdriver bit and dig it up some day, big deal. But a razor blade? I don't wanna find that while digging under my car seat another time....
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Yeah, that could definitely turn out less than favorable. A single loose blade or one that fell out of a box cutter?
Yeah, that could definitely turn out less than favorable. A single loose blade or one that fell out of a box cutter?

Single loose. It happens all the time to me. Had it in my hand a few seconds ago, then can't find it. Frustrating!~ When it happens, I can't move on until I find it. Took me 20 mins this time. If it was a snake it woulda bit me , LOL. But I found it.
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I once lost a hacksaw blade under the hood of my '75 Chevy pickup. I looked under it, all over the engine bay (which is huge on those trucks, it was hard to lose something in there). I found it, two years later, when I scraped the back of my arm on it changing the starter, it was laying on the lower control arm. A razor blade would've been much worse.
Never fails. (Successfully install/remove insert random part here) take victory swig....where did I put that damn thing?
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Yeah, well my son gives me crap about me going senile.. to tell the truth, I think he does it to convince me I am, and makes off with dear ol' dad's beer. Dang kids.
A few years ago I needed a few special copper washers for a task I was doing, told myself I can't lose them... Needless to say I still have not come across them anywhere, no idea where I set them down.
The nice thing about where I live is during the winter your drink never gets warm so if you misplace it it's still cold (if not colder) when you find it. The bad thing about where I live is we have winter and it gets cold here. :rolleyes:
I hear ya, I once "lost" a 3/8" ratchet under the hood of a s10 pickup as a teenager, only to be found several years later when swapping out a radiator.

I left a 3/8 swing handle and extension under the hood of a car that I did an engine overhaul in. The owner picked up the car and drove it to Mexico and back to Canada; when he brought it back for a service, I found my tools.
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I dropped a flathead screwdriver in my engine bay the other day heard it clank down somewhere. Looked on the ground, engine bay, k member, still haven't found it. I think I looked for an hour...