Picked up some halo's.......


New Member
Aug 18, 2005
Went to the local salvage yard this morning looking for a door for my gt. Ended up buying a set of halo's. Should have done this mod a lot sooner.



Color is off just a little off(had to dye them, they was tan to begin with)
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Other than looks, I don't get the benefit of halos. I've got a set of the fishnet-centered halos on my notch, and I've never quite liked 'em, as far as comfort goes. You can't really lean your head back on 'em, or at least I can't - my head just about goes right through the thing. (Yeah, I guess I've got a little head. :D )

They do definitely look better than LX buckets, though.
so how are they inserted? You just pull out the old and insert the new? Any trick?

There is a catch inside the seat that hold the headrest in place. If you open the seat cover and run your hand up the metal frame in the seatback you'll feel it. I moved the headrest up& down a few times to feel it latch&unlatch and to feel the general location, then stuck a screwdriver in it to hold it back & pulled the headrest out. The "new" ones slid right in and locked into place.
sounds easy...really really not.

best way is to get in back seat. push front seat over. unzip the seat...stick flat head screwdriver from under the front of the seat and push out the metal clip think that holds the halo in then pull the halo out. it's important to pull the halo out at the same time your pulling outward on the metal clip or else it wont move.

I would do this when it's not hot outside as you will break a really nasty sweat in your stang.
The first one I did took like 20 minutes than once I did the first one The second one took no longer than 1 minute...Also a hack saw blade works good too. pull the headrest up then push down 1/4 inch or so than slide the hacksaw blade down the front side of the headrest shaft using a little force it should unlock the clip.