release bearing Q


New Member
Feb 25, 2004
Wausau, WI
I'm putting a cable clutch setup w/T5 in my '67 and thought you guys could help. When installing the release bearing into the fork does it go all the way into the clips or is it supposed to pivot on the hump? I put it in all the way and can't get the tranny in because it doesn't line up. The bearing is a self adjusting type and the fork is a Jegs heavy duty. Any pics would be great. Thanks.
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Not too sure what you mean by that. I'm using the T5 bell, stock replacement fork/bearing/cable and a diaphram clutch. It should be no different then your rides. I've just been reading posts here that say you need to take note of how it's positioned when it's replaced so you can install it the same way. I just don't have anything to reference to.
ummm, you did use a clutch alignment tool didnt you?

and i checked out the self-aligning bearing when i replaced my TOB, it didnt look like it would work with my stock fork... maybe you should try the non-sef-aligning and see if that makes a difference,

to answer your question though.. the TOB should go all the way into the fork clips
thanks for the reply. The clutch has been in the car approx. 500 mi. I'm just switching over to a cable clutch setup because the old linkage started to go to crap on me with the better clutch. Plus it'll look alot cleaner under the hood.
Sorry, my confusion! I went by his signature, thinking he had a 67. On the 67, the linkage pushes the fork which is pivoted on the driver side of the bell. The T5 is set up for a pull linkage since it pivots on the pass side.