Should I apologize?


Apr 24, 2007
Ok guys yesterday I was driving with my girlfriend of 2 years when she gets a call that her grandmother is in the hospital and her mother wants her to get there as soon as possible with her sisters because it is that serious. Don't really want to go into details but with her history but I knew I needed to get her there soon. We are less than 5 minutes from her house where her sisters are at so I get on it and haul ass. Normally I would never even go 26 in a neighborhood but In this case I was well above the speed limit (Id say 50). I slowed down to about 30 or so when I went past a house with a few people standing in their garage because I realize the possibility of hitting a kid or something isn't worth getting my g/f to the hospital a few seconds earlier. (I could clearly see the street was completely dead minus this one house) Well apparently this guy was real ticked off, as I would be too not knowing someone's situation. On the way back the guy gets in the middle of the street to stop me. The convo lasted about 30 seconds before I stepped out of the car to physically move him myself. Im sure you could tell what the convo consisted of. Once he yelled at me to slow the f down my emotions got ahold of me and I just flipped out on this guy and said everything possible that came to my head, more than he said to me, basically my gf's gma is in the hospital and to shut up(the g rated version) and this and that but he was swearing back at me too and even something along the lines of I dont care what your doing which got me even more pissed. Finally he walked away once he realized I was a little more heated than he was. Basically Im wondering if I should apologize to this guy for being out of line, which I was. Yet I will not apologize for speeding in this situation. I wish I could have gotten there much quicker to tell you the truth.

I dont know any of your feelings about this but If you want to :lock: then go ahead, The thought of someone going 50 mph where my future kids will play is probably even worse than street racing threads. I just have been thinking about this and am really not sure what to do on this one. I dont wan't hard feelings towards my gf's family from this guy.
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i agree. Going to him in a calm, collected, cool manner and apologizing will speak volumes. I'm sure when you can discuss it as civilized people, and he see's that you're sincere, he'll probably think even higher of you as a person, for a sincere apology. If its bugging you, just do what you think is right. It can never hurt to apologize.
I be pissed too not knowing the situation seeing someone fly down my street, but I would of done the same though. Just stop by and tell him the reason. He should understand.
hm.. thanks guys. The thing is im not sorry for speeding, and Id do it again. Obviously If there were little kids around or something I wouldn't have done so, but I could clearly see there were no hazards around. and It's not like I flew by going 100 without reducing speed. I'll ponder what I should tell him and maybe stop by. I just dont wanna get into it again if by the fact that Im still not gonna apologize for going about 30 past the guy. Well, I think I just realized if he doesn't understand, screw him. I tried.
Thanks again
hey, ill stop this speeding car with my body that sounds good. QUOTE]

Well I wasn't speeding when he got in front of me. It was after I had picked up my girlfriends sister's and was on the return trip to the hospital and could see him down the road and knew exactly what he was doing so I wasn't speeding then, but yeah nevertheless a car going 50 down the road 1 time Id be nowhere near the road.
lol, ive been through a similar situation.....i got stopped for having a car thats to loud and the guy actually got under my car and checked to see if i am running cats..........he didnt lie when i revved it up when he had his head under there...........dumby went under there while my car was on
Its just like if someone were racing down my street, Id do the exact same thing, try to get them to stop if I saw them again, but If he immediately says something no matter what it is or how many swear words it included about trying to get to the hospital, Id say sorry and let him be. And his wife, at least I think it was, comes down and says, call an ambulance (obviously she must have only heard me say im taking my gf to the hospital). Im like. WHAT!? Are you stupid.. and the guy tried yelling me about how either his grandmother or mother just died. I was like, is she dying right now?. but yeah if he cant understand especially with his gma or ma passing on that he wouldn't try to get there as fast as he can, he's got a problem.
It isn't any of his business how fast you were going... yes it's his neighborhood, but he does not police it... if he had an issue he should have called the actual police... He has no right to stop you, to yell at you, or to do anything of the sort.

Call the police yourself and say that this man was trying to commit suicide by jumping in front of cars and have him committed.
You are lucky he didnt get your plate and call the cops. I wouldnt bother talking to him unless you have seen him before and will possibly see him again, maybe sense he lives near your gf. I remember my ex was having a bad ass asthma attack and I did things I never thought I would to get her to her inhaler. Id just let it go if I were you.
If it's bothering you that much then go ahead and try explain to him the situation and hope he understands, otherwise **** him.

We had a similar (kinda) situation when my grandma had just suffered a stroke from being in the exact same health as a 45 year old to suddenly not being able to talk/move/anything. My dad and I had gone back to my grandparents house to let the dogs out after being in the hospital all night when we got a call that they didn't think she had more than 10 minutes. We were probably going 60+ through a ton of 30MPH zones and one car in front of us tried to do the "honorable citizen" move by cutting us off and not letting us pass or speed. My dad finally floored it around them and they followed us all the way to the hospital but once they realized where we were going I think they figured they'd leave us alone. If they would have stopped we both would have probably told them to go kill themselves and ran off, the life/death of a loved one is more important than someone being butthurt over you being slightly reckless. Better to feel good knowing you did everything possible to help loved ones than to have slowed down and been to late just to please every person on the sidewalk.
Honestly, I don't see how your situation justifies your actions. Regardless of how important you think it was to get your girlfriend there, it was not important enough to endanger the life of the kids you may or may not have seen. How much sooner did you really get there? Would a couple of minutes really made a difference? Maybe I'd see it different if the person with you were actually in some danger.