Progress Thread Tannerc91gt’s Build(s) Thread

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Oh now you people like LS swaps! :fuss:

Put the new flexplate on, stuck the head studs in it and painted the bumper support.
I've got to get a thread chaser though, studs are a pain in the ass every time. And these are a $350 pain in the ass on top of that :mad:

Not bad for working a 12 and "just going out to the garage for 10 minutes"
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I just saw this ....
I want to set it in the engine bay so badly! I've got this black/white/clean theme going on that I'm trying to carry over into everything. Going to hide the coils and clean up the wiring as best as I'm capable of and hopefully have something worth looking at
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Id be curious what that car makes, because that intake has got to be hurting him. Or at least I would think so. But 14lbs on a 4.8 even on pump gas should be a 500whp-ish car I would think.
In the grand scheme of things I don't have a problem with the cross breed swap,...Especially considering just how amazing the LS engine is in it's own right. What I just think is just DUMB ASS is somebody that goes to that length to try and hide (or distract) from the obvious fact that that engine is what it is. The front drive distributor conversion on an COP engine is laughable, and who knows what kind of restriction that intake manifold poses to the breathing.

The ONLY thing that I've seen that could possibly be more stupid,...Is the guy that gets such a burr in his ass that he decides to go out and swap a Coyote into one of the new F bodies....:nonono:. Or the Mega stupid notion of swapping one into a C7 vette.

While some people think I think oppositely because I put it out for public discussion to see how the general populace felt about it awhile back, I totally get the reason for doing the LS swap into the car,...hell I even went far enough as to have a salvage yard set aside a 6.0/4L60E as the potential engine for the Monster myself.
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I think it's pretty cool he set it up to use the stock ford harness and ECU but the cool factor is definitely limiting its potential.
I don't like all the "paint it ford blue, put fomoco stickers, 5.0 engine cover" junk. If you truly don't care that people don't like it, there's no need for that junk. Purists are already pissed off, you don't have to try.
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Trying to kill off all these Not your Fathers root beers that were a big craze a while back. They're alright. Cut up the windage tray and installed my oil pan for good this time.
Yanked the mock up motor as well. It's all counter-productive but I wanted to see the motor in the car :shrug:
Plus making things difficult for myself is a talent of mine


Thrilled with how it looks and how the new pan fits. Car is going to be really sharp looking if I can carry on the theme.
It's like interior decorating except no one judges me :banana:
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Today, we fabricate. A 2-part series:

Through the last few years I've managed to collect (read hoard) random Ford and GM parts. They all get stashed in corners and in boxes and kept for later. Though later usually never comes.

Wandered out into the garage today with no real goal in mind. Waiting on some key parts that are hindering my progress.

I started digging through my boxes of goodies. Just to see what I might be able to use. One thing I found was a throttlebody, identical to the one that I just paid $35 for last week. :scratch:

With it was an Fbody throttle cable that I had attempted to use on both the 98 and the 03. I recall it being a pain in the ass but not remembering why. So there was my project for the day. Get this damned cable to work.

If you've ever laid upside down under the dash of a mustang you know just how much fun it isn't.
Now put a strategically placed roll cage bar in the way. :fuss:
So I procrastinate having to pretzel my way in there and start at the throttlebody side.
It's too long. And the other end isn't going to fit through the hole in the firewall.
The whole PITA thing is coming back to me now.
I've still got the 5.0 cable hooked up to the pedal and hanging in the bay. It's ALMOST the perfect length for the car intake. Let's just try and use this thing.


Through luck, or the fact that these swaps were DESTINED by the car gods....:hide:
There's this little nipple on the throttle body that will work just fine. Ground it down a little bit and popped the Ford cable right on it.

I've got a Lokar LS1 cable bracket which of course won't work in any fashion. The cable doesn't fit through and the throttle cable ends up at an angle I don't care for.
So back to it again.

I dig around and find a Ford throttle cable bracket

Exhibit A
I also grabbed a few old brackets I got with a shifter a few years ago.

Out comes the cutoff wheel and trusty Harbor Freight Fluxcore welder.

I cut off a huge majority of the ford bracket and tacked the Powerglide(I think)bracket on it. This will make more sense later.

I grabbed a second bracket and hacked it up to extend the slider. This proved to be a waste of time but alas, it provided me a chance to show off some welds my momma would be ashamed of.
This is why we have grinders :D


This is pre-hack job but post bracket trimming. Sorry, we'll clean it all up in Post. Or whatever you're supposed to say when the frames are all mixed up.


Test fit #1. Now you can see where the slider comes into play. Without being able to move the bracket, the throttle isn't opening to 100%. This will be much easier to fine tune and maybe even make permenant once I've got a way to read TPS signal. But the adjustability is good for now.

Unfortunately it's hitting the fuel rails and laying those over a bit isn't really an option. So I cleaned it up some more and cut off some extra meat.

Test fit #2 (probably 5 but whatever)

Now we're cooking.

More clean up and rounding edges and getting it ready to paint

Pretty serious paint booth setup here, twist tied to a Ranger bumper

Unfortunately my wrinkle didn't wrinkle and gloss is really what I wanted (which it also isn't)
So it'll have to be redone but it works and that's what's important here. I think...
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