Vortech install help !!!!

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Look in the yellowpages for plumbing supply or pipe-fitting supply warehouses. Mainstream retail places will NOT have it.

Heck, PM me and I'll send you mine--but you MUST pass it on for free to the next person.
Pipe Thread Tap

How much do they usually cost ??

You can get one from MSC for about $6, plus shipping. You'd be better off getting one from a local Industrial Supplier. Just look in the Yellow Pages under Industrial Supplier.

FYI- so you don't get a smart-assed counter guy pissed off, make sure you refer to the tap correctly (sometime these guys can be cranky...). You need to not only specify 3/8" NPT, but also need to include the TPI (threads per inch) designation. A common 3/8" NPT thread has 18 TPI.