Which Hood Would Be Better?


10 Year Member
Aug 30, 2011
I'm getting ready to get my '90 Fox painted in the next month or so. I have two options for hoods.

#1: My current hood has a sharp outward dent. The PO left a tool under the hood and then shut it. It's a pretty sharp dent with a peak almost; hope that makes sense.

#2: I found a replacement hood from a guy that had 2 shallow dents in the front (in between the headlights). He sanded it down to bare metal, skim coated it with some filler, and then sanded it again. He says it's "ready for paint".

Which hood would be easier and better to work with from a bodyman/painter's perspective? I don't want to buy the new hood just to find out my current hood could have easily been fixed.

I understand this is kind of a shot in the dark without seeing both in person. Just looking for people's best guesses/opinions based on the photos.
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I would do the bottom hood given the choice, mostly because the area for filling is stiffer and less likely to flex and crack the filler. A PDR guy might be able to work out the first dent if it is accessible, which would perhaps be the most ideal.
Both are easy enough to work with really. That being said, your original isn't hard to fix. A shrinking hammer and dolly will work fine, followed by a light glaze coat depending on how close it can get to the original form. Then of course the rest of the prep process after.

Also might I add, the 2nd one is not ready for paint. Most likely some blocking and a glaze coat is needed followed by more blocking and primer and blocking.....etc... Definitely not hard, but not ready to paint.
I would also choose the bottom hood, but it's definitely not ready for paint. Depends how picky you are, but just by looking at the harsh transition from bare metal to paint, you will see the repair areas if you just shoot primer and then BC/CC. That will require some blocking first, but again, depends how picky you are.