69 coupe rebuild on a budget question


New Member
Jun 13, 2009
I am in the process of rebuilding a 1969 coupe and so far i have been focusing on the fuel and cooling systems. I pulled the tank out and noticed that it has some deposits stuck to the inside now obviously a new tank would cure that but i would like to know if anyone has any ideas about getting this thing cleaned out. Also i found a whole kit for the 68 that costs 95 dollars compared to the 69 kit that costs 120 what are the differences? I heard gravel would be able to knock it all off but then i have to get the gravel out of the tank and getting the fuel out was hard enough I couldn't imagine trying to get the gravel out. now for the the cooling system my thermostat cover has a vacuum temp sensor on it (for what i don't know) now do i still need this or can i just cange it with one of the nice chrome looking covers and not have to worry about it. As far as i know i only have to hook up the vacuum advance on the distributor and thats it. no need for any other fancy stuff?
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