extra keys


New Member
Dec 8, 2004
Newark, DE
Hey guys, i was wondering if any of you knew how much dealers are charging for extra keys. I want to do remote start on my car and i need one, but don't want to go in and pay the usual gouge rate they try to throw at you...
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you don't need to buy another key. you can just get a transpnder box that simulates the signal from the keys. But if you want a new key you can buy uncut ones on ebay for $15-$20 you just have to get them cut and you can program them your self in the car. I've heard the ones form Ford are salty.
The keys are encoded with a transistor, therfore just any regular key wont work. You can get replacement keys all over the internet and program them yourself, one site that I use alot is Howard Keys.