Got snow pics?

Founding Member
Oct 22, 2002
Republic, MO
Tis the season... our first "little" snow if predicted for tomorrow. So I thought I would start a new picture thread.

Here are some pics from a few years ago:



I have a garage now, and a MUCH nicer place :D .... :hail2:


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we got hit yesturday in winnipeg canada.

pure ice on the roads this morning. really crappy road conditions

the car is in storage so i can barely see it.

even tho this is the first winter snow fall, i cant wait till spring so i can put in the new converter!!!!!!!!!
This is literally the first night I haven't parked the mustang in the garage since I've been able to.. :cautious: 6" of snow.. we reppin kc mo fellas and the ladies know!


.. at least my stubby antenna's lookin good in that second pic :rolleyes:
oh man...i wish i still have the pics where i brush off my entire car except my hood (already 2.5" high) with about 6" of snow on there. it was pretty funny lookin. im too warm and drunk to go outside in the snow to take a pic. plus its sad to see my car have to sit through this garbage