Happy Anniversary


New Member
Apr 13, 2006
New Mexico
To Me! According to the little thing in the corner, I joined Stangnet last April. It seems like a lot longer than that though.... Anyways, I've surfed a lot of stanger forums, and this one is by far the best. :SNSign: FTW!!!
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Sometimes I forget how long I've been here and when I look at my join date I can't believe I've been here as long as I have. As was said, there are just a good group of people here and that's what makes people stay.
Holy chit, me too!!!!
Yes, this is by far the best (well, I guess the only) group of online people I've ever met, you guys all rock! I might have not checked-out the boards a total of 3 or 4 days in the past year. Is that sad? Maybe. But who cares.

This calls for a bud lite :cheers:
(I don't actually drink bud lite but the slogan just works for this particular occasion)
you've come a long way in the past year too. not many people would have been able to do what your doing. so on that note, congrats!

EDIT: Huh look at that it's mine too but for 5 years....wow time flies
wow im such a n00b here lol well i will look foward to my anniversary lol congrats on yours...

the 94-95 specific seems to be the best part of this whole board im not to fond of other areas but i always look foward to coming in here and chatting