how much crap would you put up with?


Founding Member
Feb 5, 2002
Tempe, Arizona
Hey guys, some of you saw a recent post I had about women problems. I'm seriously considering parting ways now, am not sure how much more bs (being walked on) I can take. What are you guys' limits? Like how much crap would you take before ending things. I want to go long as I can but I'm going to wind up having a heart attack or something. I don't think she's fully aware of her actions, I can't talk to her about it without her blowing up. Actually I'm afraid to open my mouth about anything any more. Anyways, at what point would ya'll call it quits. I really hate that this is even a tought in my mind, I love her and I still want in for the long haul.
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PIITB & take out some agression! Haha, J/K man.

Seriously .....

1.) Hey man .... if you've taken in any advice that ANYONE has given you .... just please remember these words: "THE LONGER YOU WAIT, THE HARDER IT'S GOING TO BE TO CUT IT OFF".

2.) With that said, I'll use my brother as an example. He's been with her for a little over a year now. It started like what your situation sounds. It evolveed to "physical" stuff ... and my brother ended up going to the emergency room. But it was too late. He has sank into her crap so long, he won't cut it off. He says "the good out-weighs the bad". Of course, me, and my family see it differently. He needs to get away from her.

3.) If it's not too serious (the crap), try what I told you last time.

I know with her kids, cutting it off is a tough move to just cut them off, too. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Like I said, it gets tougher the longer you wait. There are plenty of fish in the sea ... and that's hard to realize once you get into a relationship like that. Sometimes, whatever the "good" is ... it's just not worth it.
Point blank, if you need to ask a bunch of guys on a forum how long you should put up with her crap, then you need to end it. There are plenty of other women that will make you happy without the crap. If you need to question your relationship, then the real question is why are you with her.

I know its hard and that is why you haven't broken it off with her yet but you gotta make yourself happy.
Stop stairing at your balls that she put above the fireplace and put in a jar.. If a bitch ever gave me any problems I'd break it off right there...

**** that ****.
wytstang said:
Time to cut her lose man once the lines of comunications have been lost it's done. If she's not willing to hear what you feel then why continue?


Its all about communication. Give AND take. It's gotta be both ways... I ended a 2 year + relationship at the end of January for pretty much this same reason. Its just starting to not suck in the last couple of weeks, so I feel for ya.

The whole key is out of sight, out of mind. Do it clean and it will be a lot easier.

Well, its easy for anyone not in the situation to say to cut it off. I wont tell ya what to do, but i will say this. Every single person in "love" has a certain level of bull **** they will much depends on each person. Some people can take a lot and others wont take anything at all. Sometimes it works out for the best...other times it bites you in the ass. You have to decide for youself how much **** you will take for the sake of "love". Because love is NOT easy...especially when u are young and both parties dont have their head on straight.

If i remember right, she has not always been like this. But it worries me that you still feel the same way u did last time u made the thread. I dont think you should just shut up at this point, you have gotta voice your position but in a PEACEFUL way. Dont attack her or accuse her cause that will just make things worse. I say give it one last effort to communicate with her, and if she shoots you down again, well, shes not trying. And you cant make her try. And you cant wait around for her to decide to try cause during that whole time u'll be eating yourself alive.

My GF and I have been through a lot...nothing HUGE like what happened above with going to the hospital but we have had plenty of "down" times. But we always bounce back and like i have always believed, "the good outweighs the bad" because none of the bad is life changing or just THAT bad. But that gets back to that level that u have inside of u of how much crap you'll take. Some people stay with people after they cheat on them....some people stay with people after they stab them....some people stay with people after they hurt their heart time after time after time. Some people will leave if the other person doesnt breathe right. Get what im saying? Everyone has given their advice for their life and their "standards" but you have got to take time to figure whats best for u.

It is hard and i have come to that point you're at many times. But it has worked out in my favor. I dont remember the details of before, but werent other things going on in her life that brought on this change? If thats the case, then that "excuse" for her actions is getting old as it shouldnt have lasted this long IMO.

Anyway, rant off. Good luck!