My dads a moron

The Green GT

No 13 year olds are safe around me.
10 Year Member
Jan 8, 2006
DAD (10:17:52 PM): sure it uses plenty of gas too
ME (10:17:59 PM): 1/4 a tank per trip
ME (10:18:03 PM): 7 trips per week
DAD (10:18:13 PM): mpg?
ME (10:18:16 PM): LOW
ME (10:18:23 PM): My odo is broken so Im not sure
ME (10:18:33 PM): and I dont even get on it
DAD (10:18:45 PM): you really oughta get a nice lil Honda or Toyota...........
ME (10:18:50 PM): lol stfu noob
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my dad loves my car but i actually dont mind the gas milage like i said its better then the probe... i think im pushing 20MPG in the stang... it aint bad... My dad wasnts me to buy an eclipse though... my grand father how ever LOVES his accord... he takes such good car of it... its in great shape for a 95 and i dont mind driving it... its a nice car... i donno some people just have had bad expirences with mustangs... my grandfather hates them... but likes mine as well because its been taken care of
My dad thinks no one really needs a V8 daily driver, which is kinda sorta true, but it brings a grin to his face every time I get on it. He said my car sounds better than his neigbour's '70 Charger (yeah, its got a Hemi). Now thats saying alot :nice:
I say the joy of driving a muscle car greatly outweighs its inefficiancy. No regrets here.
I have no idea WHY I got into cars, my dad could care less about speed or show. Not even when he was young. My 1st stang gave me tons of problems and since I didn't have enough to fix it, he would pay for it, so he ended up hating mustangs with a passion. Now that I pay for my crap, he tells me that my car is nice, but it needs a paint job. I can't wait to see what he'll think once I get it the way I want it.
1TallMF said:
My dad thinks no one really needs a V8 daily driver, which is kinda sorta true, but it brings a grin to his face every time I get on it. He said my car sounds better than his neigbour's '70 Charger (yeah, its got a Hemi). Now thats saying alot :nice:
I say the joy of driving a muscle car greatly outweighs its inefficiancy. No regrets here.
Everytime someone tells me that I could get better MPG with a Honda or something, I always just say "You gotta pay to play"

Eith that or "Pimin aint easy but its NECESARRY!"
The Green GT said:
Everytime someone tells me that I could get better MPG with a Honda or something, I always just say "You gotta pay to play"

Eith that or "Pimin aint easy but its NECESARRY!"

lol so true...

yeah my father and i had this conversation the other day... tellin me how i NEED a winter car(NE Winters blow!) i jokingly asked why and he came back with the 'your god damn car gets stuck in a puddle, think about it....' i started ROLLIN!
My dad loaned me 3400 to buy my stang, helped me fix it all up (it was wrecked), i had it payed down to 600 which i had the money for just had to cash my income tax check, i get one ticket, which mind you i got out of when i was in court, and hemade me sell it. i had no say in the matter because the car was not in my name it was in his so no amount of screaming and crying and convincing would make him change his mind and now im mustang-less and i drive a freaking Mitsubishi Lancer :( sad times. the main dream that is pulling me through college right now is knowing that when i get out i will have the money to get an 03 cobra or something of the like. random and out of nowhere i know but i was just browsing the forums and i seen the bitchonmydad session going here and had to add hahahaha