Pics of my ECU, is this all I need to send for reflash?


Master of the Clubhead
Founding Member
Sep 21, 2001
Brown Deer, WI
I am sending out my ECU to Tim @ T&J tomorrow for it to get reflashed for several things.... is this all I need to send? (ignore the dyno graph)

BTW, thanks alot guys for the instructions on how to remove the ECU, it was cake, took me about 15 minutes :nice:
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Yeah, that looks like it but yours is a different shape than mine. Mine had the plug-in on one of the shorter sides of the rectangle. But that definitely looks like the right part.
I haven't followed your threads but it looks like you're obviously building towards a supercharger...why did you get forged first? Not that it's a bad way to go, it's just rare...
JCKnife said:
Yeah, that looks like it but yours is a different shape than mine. Mine had the plug-in on one of the shorter sides of the rectangle. But that definitely looks like the right part.

LOL, sorry, the first image was skewed wrong because I had to minimize the size of the picture, here is the way it is supposed to look :D
JCKnife said:
I haven't followed your threads but it looks like you're obviously building towards a supercharger...why did you get forged first? Not that it's a bad way to go, it's just rare...

I hear ya, last summer I threw 3 rods in my stock block, so I figured do it while it was apart. And yes I am planning on going supercharged hopefully soon. It's a long story on how i ended up messing up my motor, don't wanna get into it, bottom line, im forged now :nice: