since this is the only forum i post on I am having problems uploading pics...


New Member
Feb 4, 2009
He guys just wondering what i am doing wrong i got my car home and took some pics of it to post on hrere finally and i am getting this error message
"Failed to write file. Check disc quotas and permissions for the path: albums/2/8245770f546b1ba18ef81120d22ea914_2536.jpg" anyone help me out?
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If you're trying to post them as an attachment, stangnet will automatically try to reduce the size of the file. If I'm not mistaken, you've got a little more room to work with in your own image gallery, though.

I've never seen that particular error string before. Perhaps you should check your security settings and permissions on those files. Right click and go to properties, then security and sharing on those files. Are you logged into your computer as an admin? If not, the username you are using may not have access to them. I'm just throwing a couple of guesses out there.

Also, if that's a direct quote, the file doesn't seem to specify a drive or general folder to look in. If that is supposed to be the url for the picture you've saved to a photo album here on stangnet, you should use the full url to the picture. Starting at "albums/" is leaving out some of address. For example... here's a pic from one of my albums: ""

To get this post to add that image, I would use the string "
fastdriver-albums-build-pics-picture1728-a.jpg" and finally "

I had to use the quotes there and seperate everything or this would happen:

If you're still confused about how to make it work, try quoting me and taking a look at the code directly.
