Street Master, Master of all things automotive, Super Stallion

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::Linz walks in from a stressfull day at work::
:: Looks around, and relaizes she still has some brownies, and NOW home made applesauce too::
Would you guys like some food? I would gladl make some for you. But if you steal my s**t, then I'll bet yor a$$. And here DC, have a whole bunch of brownies
::Hands some brownies to DC::
::Grins at Dread, and takes them away:: None for you, unless you ask nicely :)
::: Dread looks over at Linz nice warm plate of brownies and Applesauce, then back at DC and Don...then back at the food, then back at the guys, food, guys, food, guys. THen he weighs his options: Free food, or slaving for hours over a hot Discombobulator....:::
Linz, you are the bestest! May I please have some of your delicious treats? :p

Sorry guys, free food...:D
DC, Don, this post is in a special font that only you two can read...

Listen, I'm not a traitor, I just did what I had to do to further our cause. Its all part of the plan. I think Linz is gonna go for it. Stand by to move onto Phase Two. Ready? Charlie Tago GO!
::Linz looks tentativly at Dread, questioning herself about if she really should have offered her warm delicious treats to someone of the likes of Dread::
::Linz sighs, and reluctantly hands 5 brownies and a bowl of applesause, AND a slice of old pizza to Dread::
There you go honey :cool:
:: As DC watched the events unfold, he started working on a new plan to rid all the brownies of the world. DC gets kinda jealous of Dread because he got FIVE brownies and DC only got SOME. That's messed up ::

Anybody got a cracker...I'm kinda hungry?
yummmmm crakers ::Linz remembers going to the store and buying Club crackers to eat with some cheese:: DC, I am sorry for only giving you some brownies, How can I make it up to you? I will make you any food you like.
::Linz looks at Kc, wondering where they have been for this thread:: I thought we already went through the cookie deal. Brownies are definatly better.
Originally posted by LinzsYelowStang
yummmmm crakers ::Linz remembers going to the store and buying Club crackers to eat with some cheese:: DC, I am sorry for only giving you some brownies, How can I make it up to you? I will make you any food you like.
::Linz looks at Kc, wondering where they have been for this thread:: I thought we already went through the cookie deal. Brownies are definatly better.

Well, there is one thing you could do, but it would never happen...:rolleyes:. You can make me some PANCAKES or FRENCH TOAST!!!!!! :D
what the hell is this thread doing on that awful page 2? TTT!
Linz, you are so sweet and kind, thank you for the delicious brownies and pizza and applesauce. I'm a bachelor who spends all his money on his car. I dont eat much. And when I do, its usually stolen cookies. Will you marry me? :D
Oh my, marraige, that is so sudden... Are you sure you can handle a girl that likes to drive fast, and partys alot? I can cook though :) Im good at that. Would you like me better if I didnt have a stock v6?
::Linz looks over at DC, felling sad that she isnt too good at making french toast, but then is instantly gratified by the fact that she can make some killer waffles and omlettes::
::pulls out some eggs milk, and a frying pan::
Ok, boys, tell me what kinda omlette you want.
Linz...yep, Its sudden I know, but thats the way I operate! And the question really is: can you handle a guy who drives too fast, parties alot and cant even make toast? :D As for the V6 part...why, thats what I drive! Its like a match made in heaven! :D

Oooh Oooh Ooh, Me first! DC, wait your turn! for my omlete, can I have ham and cheddar?
None of that vegetable crap!

Don, I cant understand it myself..this thread is clearly the most important ne on the forum. How it got to page two is beyond me.
And where is Pete?!
Originally posted by Dreadpyrat
Oooh Oooh Ooh, Me first! DC, wait your turn! for my omlete, can I have ham and cheddar?
None of that vegetable crap!

Alright you little SOB! :mad: I asked first punk, but I do like your choice of omletes! :p

I'll make my own french toast because that's what I'm good at. That and steak. :D