Stupid Camaro driver

rudeone707 said:
here we go again. :rlaugh:


Damn it I missed "a" again

xr8d302 said:
Bosnia kicks ass! Great story dude, but you didn't do good enough, I really think you should have taken the girl home, maybe that would have helped him see the light. On another note :nonono: I'm really glad there was no kids in that schoolzone....make that a one time event, if you don't mind.

Dude chick is in highschool , I think guy wasn't
I'm 27 and highschool girls , thats doesn't going together

School zone , wtf I have 5 points on driver licence , but I DON'T care
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Slow5.0 said:
Dude chick is in highschool , I think guy wasn't
I'm 27 and highschool girls , thats doesn't going together

School zone , wtf I have 5 points on driver licence , but I DON'T care

yeah, 27 and highschool girls don't go together very well. Good thinking. About the schoolzone thing, it's not the points i worry about, it's innocent people...i've seen people in schoolzones get hit, not too pretty.

The camaro guy sounds like he really put his tail between his legs when you turned around though...good stuff
94GTLaserRC said:
I need a drink after trying to read THAT story.

View attachment 522336 View attachment 522337 Too funny. Great story tho the whole school zone thing is not the best place to do that. Cops are not to happy when people do that in school zones be carefull.


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im not gonna lie ernie, i have no problem believing what the girl said. I dont know if you guys have seen ernie, but dude is a big MF'er. you shouldve actually gotten out of the car and said something. Oh, and ernie..... get a real car.... :taco: :rlaugh: :lol: