2011 V6 - Tape Stripe or No? 3.31 gear?


New Member
Nov 28, 2010
Hello i'm new to the forums and I'm about to purchase my first mustang, the 2011 v6 in black.

Basically it's a toss up between these two:

Option a.) Tape Stripe, Spoiler, 2.73 stock gears for $15 cheaper
looks like: http://mastigon.com/withstripe.png
Option b.) No Tape Stripe and no Spoiler, 3.31 gears for $15 more
looks like: http://mastigon.com/withoutstripe.png

The tape stripe looks cool and my parents dig the tape stripe but I'm thinking it will grow old quick and I'll end up not liking it. I realize the tape stripe can be removed, but then i'm left with stock gears.

Any advice is appreciated
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In reality, if you're posting here, you'll prolly change EVERYTHING about the car anyway. :nice:

Regardless, the tape is stupid and ugly IMO, I like a nice clean look, especially for black. No tape.
Gears for sure!! 15 dollars more for something you will definitely want later? hell yea. And honestly my mustang has a spoiler on it and I dont want it anymore. it looked cool at first, then after having it for awhile and looking at other mustangs that didnt have it, I liked how the other mustangs looked. And you im not a fan of the stripe either. So if i were you, Gears all the way!