3.8L Radiator Leak


New Member
May 9, 2010
I have a 2003 3.8L mustang with 23,000 miles on it. I've noticed at times, a small bit of water under the front of it in front of the radiator. The other day, my son said when he walked by it, he could hear a hissing sound and water dripping on the ground. When I went to look, the sound had stopped and there was indeed water on the gound. I could not tell what color it was as it had almost evaporated but I assume it was radiator fluid. The strange part was that the vehicle had not been driven for over a day and the ambient temperature was about 65 degrees. I started the vehicle and left it run for a while but it did not leak any fluid.

Any clues as to where this leak might specifically be coming from? I thought maybe it was spraying out of the lower part of the radiator but if that was the case, why didn't it leak when I had run it? The overflow tank still has fluid in it.

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Coolant always noticable as green puddle (unless it's the red stuff). Check there is no leak from the top up tank (degas tank).

Air conditioner system is under pressure, also could be pressure in the fuel system. Are they all functioning properly? Next time try & determine what the fluid is, this will narrow the problem right down.:nice:
The AC system frequently makes a sound like gas escaping right after the car is turned off. Further, the low pressure suction line will have condensation on it if the conditions are right (outside temperature humidity).

Suggest setting the coolant level at FULL when the car is cold. Then monitor over a period of time. If it really is leaking coolant, the level will drop.

If you have to know right away, rent a coolant system tester from your local autoparts store.