Cheap 20HP mod LOL

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LOL I like this (the part where it says 99% of vehicles do not have MAF sensors)

Please read all Q&A before emailing us, most common asked questions are listed below, thanks.

What year and model will this work on?

It will work on all models (excluding turbos) from 1989 to present on vehicle listed above. Will not work on vehicles with MASS AIR FLOW(MAF) sensors. 99% of vehicles do not have MAF sensors.

Will this void my warranty ???

NO this will not void out most warranties. If you have a very strict underwriter on your warranty you can undo this mod in less than 5 minutes. You can even Re-Install later. This leaves no trace of any modification.

Will this work with aftermarket intake?

Yes, It will work with aftermarket intake as well as stock intake

Does it increase or decrease my MPG?

No, your gas mileage will be the same or only decrease 1 mpg.

Will this hurt my car, motor, computer etc.???

NO this will not hurt your car or have any negative effect on your motor, computer whatsoever. It is impossible to damage your engine with this mod... In Fact this mod will actually work with your car the way it is designed. Use premium fuel for best results
Believe it or not, one night when I got home REALLY **** faced I actually ordered one like that. And when I got it I didnt want to put it in but I enede up hooking it up to see if it actually did anything. I didnt feel ****. It actually felt slower.
Zero Signal said:
I always wished you could buy slaves off ebay. When I first signed up, i tried selling a nasty looking booger on it but the auction was cancelled by the eBay monitor nazis.

LMAO. There are some crazy things on eBay. I remember a while back .... someone was trying to sell their soul on eBay. I wonder if it sold, lol.
HA Ha when I was little. I think it was my aunt, grand ma, and me stoped at a yard sale some Amish people were having. And I was checking out the molded figure things they had. I think there was a car and a bunch of other stuff. I was like thats cool I want one. Untill they told me they were made of **** LOL. Then I was still like thats cool that they can actually make something out of **** but its nasty they actually did it. Never seen them again but it was poo covered in clear resin i guess