Help Me Decode This Vin - A Real Cobra?

I get what you're saying man. And this is totally off topic, so this should really be it. But it's a bit harsh to tell someone they can't be in the club because they are either new to the hobby or simply not " in the know". I think it was a good question with a easy answer.

I do agree on this one point, using google or a wiki would have gotten you most of the info, but it's easy to be confused when car fax calls it a cobra
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I think the Hulk has a valid point about the Canadian Gt Cobra lable thing. Or the seller is not honest. Either way, do not pay extra. But if the vin is goofy - run away like Monty Python from a rabbit with a hand grenade. I would worry about it being stolen with a different tag or at least a rebuilder.

There is a FAQ sticky about Is My car A Real Cobra? It would have saved the whole entertaining discussion.
By the way, I emailed the poster about changing the title of the ad and this is the reply I got...

Who in the **** are u to know anything your name just about says it all crackattack

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2 I said.. scammer all the way. I try and give people the benefit of the doubt, but you can't these days. Too many crooks. Very sad state of affairs we live in today.
These days is the "I just bought a fox with a real 1993 cobra motor" crowd that's popular. Ever couple weeks we see a post like that. Makes me wonder if there are any 1993 conra out there anymore.