I hate my dad

Sanctus said:
is he serious? thats the whole point.... just think about it... then once you realize you are a complete moron then comment

haha i was just looking in the stangnet rules and i think this may qualify as a personal attack but thats ok. haha its all in good fun

I suggest you edit this post to remove the personal attack. Or, haha, it may be you who is removed
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Sanctus said:
is he serious? thats the whole point.... just think about it... then once you realize you are a complete moron then comment

haha i was just looking in the stangnet rules and i think this may qualify as a personal attack but thats ok. haha its all in good fun

You do realize that calling another user a moron is a personal attack. Since you admit to reading the forum rules, you understand that personal attacks are against the rules. You must understand this because in a later post you admit to and apologize for the personal attack.

Hopefully you are now completely clear on the forum rules concerning personal attacks. Now, go punish yourself for understanding this rule and breaking it anyway.
Jenns05Stang said:
Hahahahahaha :rlaugh: Ohhhhhh Sanctus :rolleyes: .... Duner and Ty would be proud to see that you are actually reading the rules. But, errrrrrrr, you have not SEEN what the definition of personal attack is yet. :cheers: Just keep on though my young friend and you are well on your way.....


LOL.... Ahhhh... ~K~ I see you finally caught on to that one. :nice:

duner said:
You do realize that calling another user a moron is a personal attack. Since you admit to reading the forum rules, you understand that personal attacks are against the rules. You must understand this because in a later post you admit to and apologize for the personal attack.

Hopefully you are now completely clear on the forum rules concerning personal attacks. Now, go punish yourself for understanding this rule and breaking it anyway.

yes sir ;)
Sanctus said:

gp001 said:
I suggest you edit this post to remove the personal attack. Or, haha, it may be you who is removed

Hey Sanctus - gp101 had asked you to edit the post to take out the "moron" statement. This wasn't a time for selective reading, young man. :D Yet you waited for duner to respond with a yes, sir. Skating the lines of authority? :shrug:

Anyway - are you still Clean and unscheduled on the GT and how is the fix on pop's car going?

Jenns05Stang said:
Hey Sanctus - gp101 had asked you to edit the post to take out the "moron" statement. This wasn't a time for selective reading, young man. :D Yet you waited for duner to respond with a yes, sir. Skating the lines of authority? :shrug:

Anyway - are you still Clean and unscheduled on the GT and how is the fix on pop's car going?

yeah as of yesterday i called on the gt and its still c/u and the dads car is just going to cost more than my life.. but thats ok. money is just money. and it can be earned and lost. but lessons in safety cannot be baught. and what im finding out is that being a teenager is about learning whether you like it or not. and if i like to accept it or not, i am only 16 and there are a hella lot of things i have yet to experiance or do. and i just look at life this way "Life is full of mixtakes and regrets, the people who succede are those who make the fewist mistakes, and learn from the ones that they do commit." so its a learning experiance and it will be repaired... it will just take 2 weeks and every paycheck i get next summer and then sum. haha. but we both have a positive attitude about the whole thing. and i went ahead and edited that post. sry i did edit it but i think i may have closed the window before it went through. sry bout that
haha yeah.. gosh.. these private catholic schools... haha ill send you a copy of one of my essays just to prove spell check saves my arrseeeeee.. haha and its an online forum, not english class. im not writting a memo to my boss, so i think im safe... for now ;)
Sanctus said:
yeah as of yesterday i called on the gt and its still c/u and the dads car is just going to cost more than my life.. but thats ok. money is just money. and it can be earned and lost. but lessons in safety cannot be baught. and what im finding out is that being a teenager is about learning whether you like it or not. and if i like to accept it or not, i am only 16 and there are a hella lot of things i have yet to experiance or do. and i just look at life this way "Life is full of mixtakes and regrets, the people who succede are those who make the fewist mistakes, and learn from the ones that they do commit." so its a learning experiance and it will be repaired... it will just take 2 weeks and every paycheck i get next summer and then sum. haha. but we both have a positive attitude about the whole thing. and i went ahead and edited that post. sry i did edit it but i think i may have closed the window before it went through. sry bout that

At 16, instead of Mustang GT's, I want you to concentrate on grammer.. I cant help but to think that this GT is going to consume you from your studies. Things like grammer will never be grasped by you, and its importance as to how you are viewed by others.. Please review this post, and make the appropriate corrections.. If I read it again in a few hours, and you can make all the appropriate corrections, then you are ready for a GT in my book.. If within 2 hours the problems still exist, I will be totally against you getting a GT at such a young age.. You must stay focused on whats important in life, and the GT certainly isn't one of them, if I can't get a good paragraph out of you!

I have started the clock!
Pliskin said:
" "Life is full of mixtakes and regrets" " ahh ha ha ha that whole paragraph is full of mistakes and regrets.

I'm serious! I really want him to get the GT. However, if this is the best he can do, then I'm totally against it.. I'm not trying to be mean.. I supported him earlier on in the thread. Now I am viewing things slightly differently. I would like to see alittle effort. :D
I dont know how you saw my post any way towards you lol. I meant his paragraph was full of mistakes. Anyway, I think he should be punished by having a car thats more his age....AND STILL LUCKY FOR A 16 YEAR OLD. Stick him with the v6 and keep the GT, pops. I know the wreck was just a mistake but I'd rather him learn those mistakes on the v6.

I swear to God if you turn up 2 months later with pictures or a story of your busted up GT.........

Pliskin said:
I dont know how you saw my post any way towards you lol. I meant his paragraph was full of mistakes. Anyway, I think he should be punished by having a car thats more his age....AND STILL LUCKY FOR A 16 YEAR OLD. Stick him with the v6 and keep the GT, pops. I know the wreck was just a mistake but I'd rather him learn those mistakes on the v6.

I swear to God if you turn up 2 months later with pictures or a story of your busted up GT.........


I viewed your post correctly.. Not to worry..
Sanctus said:
yeah as of yesterday i called on the gt and its still c/u and the dads car is just going to cost more than my life.. but thats ok. money is just money. and it can be earned and lost. but lessons in safety cannot be baught. and what im finding out is that being a teenager is about learning whether you like it or not. and if i like to accept it or not, i am only 16 and there are a hella lot of things i have yet to experiance or do. and i just look at life this way "Life is full of mixtakes and regrets, the people who succede are those who make the fewist mistakes, and learn from the ones that they do commit." so its a learning experiance and it will be repaired... it will just take 2 weeks and every paycheck i get next summer and then sum. haha. but we both have a positive attitude about the whole thing. and i went ahead and edited that post. sry i did edit it but i think i may have closed the window before it went through. sry bout that

As you pointed out, they are not so much as mistakes as learning experiences. The second time you commit the same issue, then it becomes a mistake.

Don't worry about your grammer bud. This is a forum and should remain light hearted. :rolleyes: As a correspondence specialist for my Company I deal with those issues everyday and this is the last place I want to have to worry about it. :nonono:

No problem with the edit, I just wanted to see if you noted gp's request or just skated by it. :p

Welcome to the board young man and get us some pcis of the cars. Dad and your's when you get it. I am interested in seeing a good sunlight take and dusk pic of the tungsten, I hear it has a purple/lavender hue to it. :nice:
We could go on with this forever. It's grammar. Grammer is not a word.
Also its shows possession. It's means it is.
Let's come up with a grammar test for 16 year olds planning to buy a Mustang.
stanmckinney said:
We could go on with this forever. It's grammar. Grammer is not a word.
Also its shows possession. It's means it is.
Let's come up with a grammar test for 16 year olds planning to buy a Mustang.

We should make people use proper grammar and spelling when they post. After all, we are trying to communicate.
When I was 16, I bought my first car for $125. It wasn't much, but now I wish I hadn't gotten rid of it, despite the things wrong with it. If I remember right, it was a 1963 pontiac tempest. Not a hot rod by any means, in fact a four door, but it was strange... It was an automatic and it had a little gear stick that stuck out of the dash and you lifted the lever up and down to change gears. From Nuetral, up and over to your left into Park.
Anyway, I'm not compaining that a certain young person gets a new car, even though it does seem early for them to have something with that much power. I'd like to think they deserve it somehow, though, like making good grades or something. But these days a lot of parents really seem to be into giving their children all the things they couldn't have when they were younger, so oh well.
But good luck with the new stang anyway, guy. I hope you keep it a long time! :)