lost rack(gear) shaft coupler connection to steering


New Member
Jan 25, 2006
When I sent my core down the road, I sent the thing that fastens it to the steering shaft:( . What are my best options at this point. I see where I can buy a Flaming River joint for 100 bucks. It shouls fit. Or I could go to a junk yard, i guess. local parts stores don't have them. Im scared to ask the Ford dealership, as it might be cost prohibitive. Are there any great solutions:shrug: ?
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I know that at my work they put all the cores in one big box in the back room and they dont get shipped back right away. I would try going and talking to the people you bought the rack from and see if they still have it if they still have it you coul dget that peice off it real quick. If not id try a salvage yard.
OK thanks Anthony... I went back and got the bushings, because I left those too, but didn't think of the other stuff beause I wasn't putting it back in right away. I was still in the process of pulling the tranny and motor and wnated to wait until they were out before I attempt the reinstall of the rack. yeh slvage yard. thanks