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ok, here's what you do..sneak over to his house late one night with a bunch of ricer stickers. proceed to place those stickers over all the seams around the doors/windows and especially the handles. then when he notices this make sure to tell him not to remove them because he will kill all his performance. problem solved.
or better yet ill paint his calipers so he thinks they will stop his car faster......then put a 3 foot tall wing on the trunck lid he can have more rear downforce on a front wheel drive car.....and when its time to cut the grass his car will also look like a lawnmower.....yea yea i feel beter now....hmmm maybe i needed the therapy......yea yea ****it **** that **** e ****in ricer boy....with his ricer ass ****ing car!!!!!..............................breath Frank.......................breath
i have tried to get him on this site before....he isnt a mustang fan and wont come on......but for some reason is in love with the 99 cobra his pops has one and he like it......but i say lets kill him and blow up his lawn mower
I had a close encounter like this just last week. My friend is a chevy guy. lame-o. he did have a 2002 gt for a while and loved it. then he bought a truck and after a year he wants a car back. he says he can't go back to the Ford. so he went and test drove nissan 300z's and mazda rx-7's. i told him mazda's were close to ok since Ford owned them. i told him friends don't let friends drive rice. the next day he said he was over the rice idea and wanted to know what i knew about FireHawk's. I told him except for the bow-tie (i know there pontiac's) they were a very nice car. well he had found one for a deal. a 2000. i believe there were only 37 of them made in canada. he traded his truck straight across for it. now he has a v-8 like men should have and when modded (even un modded they claim mid 12's) a car that will give me a good run for my money. it's nice that he didn't go rice even if he went to the competion for a ride.
lol. i'm pretty good at rubbing salt in wounds sorry bout that. all i was trying to say is a true friend......... oops thats more salt. Just whoop his butt at a few races. then whoop all his new ricer buddies. then whoop a viper. then maybe he will respect mustang's more.
i used to plead with him to get a stang.......but now all i will just beg him to at least go back to the z2slow i mean least !!....and its ok you can rub it in all you want....if i comes down to it...ill be having fun drowning his rice in water!