My custom mailbox Im painting

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RacEoHolic330 said:
damn Jesse, that looks sick man. You're car is gona look great once you get her all painted up.

Thanks Scott, a thought just popped into my head about maybe incorporating these flames onto my car like behind the rear wheels? They would be black tru flames over the silver base.............hmmmm
I have a mailbox with flames on it now and Im going on 2 years with it up an the only thing wrong with it is rust. I spray painted it and now it looks like crap. I dont think anybody would steal it in my neighbor hood. That would suck if it does but I can make another easily so Im not too worried.
kevin2m4 said:
ok im back, couldnt stop thinking about that mailbox. it.. **** man..

you should do 10 of them and sell them on ebay for 150 a peice to mod the stang

I wish I had an air compressor at home with a couple guns n the paint. Too bad a good gun is like 400+ bucks n the air brush stuff is prolly about 120. If i had the money I'd be doing one everyweek I go home! But for now I gotta just do one.
Daggar said:
You SHOULD put it on ebay though. If just to see what it ends up going for. It might change your mind about whether it's worth buying equipment for.

Well since I'm in the autobody business already, and Im going to be a painter when i get out of school im going to be getting the stuff anyway. I am curious to see what they would sell for.
I know an individual that used to (he may still be doing it) that buys el-cheapo computer cases, puts an automotive finish on them, then sells/sold them for nice chunk of change. He would clear as much as $400 in profit over what he spent in materials on a case he has less than 2 hours of prep and paint into. Some of his more elaborate stuff made more money (of course).
I've always wanted to make one from half inch plate steel and shape like a regular ole mailbox... weld it to the top of a 4 inch steel pole filled with concrete and buried at least 10 feet in the ground... batter up!