87 gt missing and backfireing


New Member
Sep 6, 2005
i have an 87 gt that used to run great but late may all of the sudden it started giving me all kinds of fits. 1. when you try to start it up, it starts up then starts missing and running rough then stalls out. 2. untill the motor is warm the car will stutter and miss and backfire and pop 3. even when the motor is warm the motor still seems to have a little hesitation right off of idle and seems like it is slow to come off of the RPM when it is revved. i haved tried all kinds of things and dont know where to go next. maybe electircal? because if your lucky the car will run great only every now and then.
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Dump the codes and see what the computer says is wrong…

Here's the link to dump the computer codes with only a jumper wire or paper clip and the check engine light, or test light or voltmeter. I’ve used it for years, and it works great.

See http://www.troublecodes.net/Ford/
See http://www.mustangworks.com/articles/electronics/eec-iv_codes.html

IF your car is an 86-88 stang, you'll have to use the test lamp or voltmeter method. There is no functional check engine light on the 86-88's except possibly the Cali Mass Air cars.

Codes have different answers if the engine is running from the answers that it has when the engine isn't running. It helps a lot to know if you had the engine running when you ran the test.

Trouble codes are either 2 digit or 3 digit, there are no cars that use both 2 digit codes and 3 digit codes.

For those who are intimidated by all the wires & connections, see http://www.actron.com/product_detail.php?pid=16153 for what a typical hand scanner looks like. Normal retail price is about $30 or so at AutoZone or Walmart.

Or for a nicer scanner see http://www.midwayautosupply.com/detailedproductdescription.asp?3829 – It has a 3 digit LCD display so that you don’t have to count flashes or beeps.. Cost is $35.
i took it to an individual that has the same tester as a dealer and read egr valve, replaced it worked good for a lil while and now the same crap. also replaced distributer, cap and rotors, ignition module and plug and wires
wakeboarder_909 said:
i took it to an individual that has the same tester as a dealer and read egr valve, replaced it worked good for a lil while and now the same crap. also replaced distributer, cap and rotors, ignition module and plug and wires
I would use JR's post above to pull the codes again and see what is stuck in the memory. The puter has self-diagnostics to help you to diagnose issues since the systems are complicated.

Good luck.