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rdharper02 said:
Tx200gt got you Strype.
Changing complete color can be expensive. A decent paint job runs between 3-5k depending on what you want to do. Remember that full color change costs alot due to door jams etc. The supplies to do your own will run you somewhere between 500-1000. I think I have got about 600 invested so far, but still need some more paint and clear. I'm using Duponts Chroma line, so its a bit more expensive. I have used some expensive PPG and some cheap PPG in the past (good results on both). Think the cheaper stuff ran about 80 a quart. Depending on the ratio or reducer etc 3-4 quarts will do a car. If do a two tone, you can keep your black (looks fine in the pictures). Buy some scotchbright to scuff the clear, tape it off and spray your color than clear. Lots of clear= a good paint job by a novice. Most companies (including dupont) have colors that will dry quick enough that they push dirt to the surface. This dirt will usually get pushed to the top of the clear. Wet sanding a thick layer of clear gives the average joe a chance at having an imperfect job look damn good when finished. I need to note that you need to follow all instructions given with the paint, and always get the recommended clear (by the company not your paint supplier). I've seen alot of good paint jobs ruined by bad adherance of off brand clears. Even seen some "European Clear" flake. Cant remember what it cost, but know it was a heck of alot more costly than my PPG stuff.

Must think. Then maybe I'll go back black and put the grey ponies back on or sell the black r's :shrug:

:bang: I dunno!!!

PS: Thanks rdharper02 and Tx200gt
It's hard to change the color on a black car in Photoshop, but this is the closest I could come to the red offered on the Cobras without making it look like complete ass.



  • rstangnet3003copy4md.jpg
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I dont know strype, but black cars with shing chrome always look evil. A good set of chrome R's would definitely set the car off. Got a buddy thats running 315's on the back of his fox. Looks very cool.