Gear Break In Period

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White will work, but expect your speedo to become bouncy again in the future when the teeth on it bust off. I've read about guys' who simply keep putting white gears in instead of changing the driven gear. 20 bucks every year or so to keep your speedo correct and steady.....:thinking:

so what exactly do i have to do then? pardon me for my ignorance, but the pbr;s have kicked in and well you know....
when I did mine I called ford racing and my buddy at the dealer to double check, they told me red 21 tooth. Mine speedo has been fine and according to those radar stands they put up in the side of the road my speed is correct.

The ford part # is C40Z-17271-A. 50 resto uses the 17271 # out of the ford part # and thier chart shows it for 3:73's and 3:27's.
I just did mine.....its easy




Its on the drivers side ull see it...
Which gear is easy.

Look inside your trans. If the gear inside on the shaft is yellow, you have a 7-tooth drive gear and need a red 21-tooth speedo gear.

If the gear on the shaft is green, it's an 8-tooth drive gear and you'll need the white 23-tooth for 3.73's.

Up to mid 89 was the 7-tooth and later was 8-tooth